EDC Initiatives

Growth nodes

Foxborough is working to draw businesses and the public to areas of great opportunity in town including: Route 1, Downtown, Route 140, and the Chestnut Green area. These areas have ample space for development and offer a chance to meet unmet needs in underserved areas. 

Route 1
The Route 1 area has been identified in Foxborough's award winning Master Plan, and a number of other studies, legislative acts and planning decisions, as a top/high priority area for growth by the Town of Foxborough.

Based on this, the EDC has focused considerable attention on determining how best to promote economic development in the Route 1 corridor.   Working together with the Planning Board and Route 1 business owners, in May 2018, the EDC developed proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaws that update and streamline provisions that are applicable to Route 1. The intent of these amendments was the creation of a zoning environment that is conducive to economic development. development.  These amendments were approved at town meeting and subsequently approved by the Massachusetts' Attorney General's office and are now in effect.

Downtown amenities
The EDC, Foxborough Common Business Collaborative, and other groups are working to make Downtown Foxborough an even more attractive and welcoming part of town. By working together to develop an ideal vision for downtown, these groups are taking action to bring visitors and residents into town for business and leisure. Adding bike racks, dog bowls in front of businesses, and pedestrian safety measures all make downtown a more enjoyable place to live, work, and have fun. The EDC has taken an active role to bring food service businesses to downtown, in order to attract more visitors and build downtown as a bustling cultural district. 

View a map of downtown businesses

Attract strong/diverse businesses
The EDC has taken an active role to bring restaurants and other service businesses to Downtown. By improving access to utilities in the downtown area, we made it possible for more businesses to enter the downtown market. There is significant space along Route 1 that is the right fit for any size commercial use or larger campus projects with office space.

View new and planned projects coming to Foxborough

Promote Foxborough as a prime location for new and expanding businessesThe EDC highlights key areas around town as excellent opportunities for business growth and development. As a part of the Downtown Strategy, the EDC seeks businesses that are the highest and best use for sites in Growth Nodes. This work includes identifying a developer for the redevelopment of the old fire station and funeral home in Downtown, which includes a brew pub and 19 units of housing. 

Strengthen existing business relationships
To facilitate a business-friendly environment, the EDC and other  local government actors maintain close ties to business leaders and make collaborative efforts to improve the community. The newly founded Foxborough Center Business Collaborative includes members of local government and business leaders, which put forward ideas for downtown planning and attracting public interest. Additionally, the town sought input from business owners in a 2017 workshop to develop a vision for Downtown Foxborough, which is being used to guide planning and decision-making by town government. 

Enhance quality of life and prosperity
By attracting business and coordinating the addition of events and amenities in town, the EDC works hard to ensure that residents have a vibrant community to call home. Efforts to diversify business, housing options, and modes of transportation will improve the welfare of the public and local economy.